Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I've been reading a lot lately...

So I don't pride myself of my ability to write.

But I do, in fact, pride myself on my ability to read!

Recently I have started the Harry Potter.

(and no this isn't just because we have the same initials)

Mostly because I am on this HUGE British kick.

I find myself thinking in a British accent.

(i think they should have British as a foreign language in school)

Any who. I always swore I would never read them because the movies were SO good.

But now that the movies are just about through.

I though I would give the books a swing.

And let me tell you they are GREAT!!

1 comment:

Sarah Harward said...

I'm so glad you're liking them. I keep meaning to re-read them. I'm LOVING the blog updates, keep them coming!!! Love you!