Sunday, July 24, 2011

tears and pee

i saw this movie saturday night with my parents.
i was suppose to wait and see it with my friends morgan and leilani but i just wouldn't wait any longer.
i want to say sorry to them.
but let me tell you this movie was SO good.
i could hardly stand it to sit still in my seat.
i just wanted to jump for joy, sob to the point of death,
and scream.
mom and dad said i was and embarrassment but i've always been that!
if you haven't seen this movie, grad you keys and run out of the door,
and catch the next showing.
you will NOT be disappointed!


Searls Stuff said...

I am so glad it was as good as it was. I have read all of the books and I thought most of the movies were pretty good. Until I got to HP&DH. Then, not so much. DH II made up for it.

Sarah Harward said...

I can finally comment! Now, write more posts!!